Kerry Uniyal
Position title: Project GO Adminsitrative Director/WISLI Program Coordinator with primary focus on MEDLI, MULTI, and SIPI
Kerry Uniyal is the Administrative Director for Project Global Officer (Project GO), and Coordinator for the Middle Eastern and Mediterranean Language Institute (MEDLI). She holds an MA in French and Francophone Studies with a concentration in French Translation and Interpretation from Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi, India. She has a BA from UW-Madison where she completed a double major in French and Languages and Cultures of Asia, and a Certificate in South Asian Studies. In 2011, she studied and interned abroad in India through UW and has been involved in international education ever since. Prior to her role as MEDLI Coordinator, she worked as a Program Advisor at the Institute for Study Abroad (IFSA) for study abroad programs in Asia, Australia, and the Middle East, as well as for customized faculty-led programs worldwide. Kerry speaks Hindi, French, and has studied some Spanish and Mandarin, and is currently learning Persian/Farsi.