Event details: The session will include the latest improvements in Gender Studies in Turkey with different perspectives including civil society, private sector and academia. The speaker will include insights from various aspects of the topic …
2023 LCTL Professional Development Series
Register Here!
Baking Everyday: Swedish-American Immigrant Women and Their Cookbooks cir. 1900-1940
Please join us, via Zoom, as Svea Larson discusses handwritten Swedish-American recipe collections from 1900-1940 – mostly for baked goods – the women who wrote them, and the kitchens in which they were made! https://uwmadison.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0tce2rpjgvHtBBbGOzD5Ca54ajJnmzr3er#/registration …
WISLI Professional Development Series
THE 2023 LCTL CAREER FAIR PRESENTS A “WISLI Professional Development Series” July 26-29, 2023 Mark your calendar! All WISLI students are invited to connect with leaders and experts – from government to the private sector …
MEDLI Lecture: “Traditional Miniature Art and its Modern Interpretation” (Virtual)
Save the date (Thursday, July 13th 3:00pm CT via zoom) for the MEDLI Lecture on “Traditional Miniature Arts an its Modern Interpretation”! Guest Speaker Murat Palta will give a lecture centered around Ottoman miniature, traditional …
LPO Tour
WISLI Chess Tournament
Come to the WISLI chess tournament this Tuesday, July 11 from 4:00-6:00pm in 206 Ingraham Hall!
MEDLI Persian Cooking Class
Come to the Persian cooking class and try featured dishes tomato omelette and Kookoo Sabzi on July 7th from 9:00am-1:00pm in Babcock Hall!
MEDLI Trivia Night
Come to Trivia Night on Wednesday July 12 from 4:00-6:00pm in 336 Ingraham Hall! Test your knowledge of Middle Eastern and Mediterranean languages, the Middle East, current events, pop culture, and more!
2023 WISLI Student Conference
The 2023 WISLI Student Conference will be held on July 8th, 2023, from 9am to 4pm. This is a hybrid event, taking place in-person at the Pyle Center and via Zoom (link will be provided …