The International Division is seeking a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer (RPCV) to work 50% time (20 hours per week) as the Peace Corps Campus Recruiter. The ideal candidate enjoys working with people, is comfortable speaking …
Fulbright US Graduate and Professional Program Information Session
Please see the following announcement from the IRIS awards office about an upcoming Fulbright information session on November 14, 2022. Learn more about funded opportunities to pursue graduate or professional study, conduct advanced research, or …
Job Opportunity for UW-Madison Students
UW-Madison students: Are you looking for fall employment opportunities! Please consider joining our team! The Wisconsin Intensive Summer Language Institutes (WISLI) in the Language Program Office (LPO) at UW-Madison is hiring student office assistants. For …
Opportunity to take classes remotely in the Department of Asian Languages and Cultures at UW-Madison
Some of the LCTL instructors at the department of Asian Languages and Cultures have agreed to allow non-UW students to join the language classes remotely in Fall 2022, enrolling as Special Student. As Special Student, you will …
Employment Opportunity in the Language Program Office: WISLI Coordinators
The Language Program Office is a member of the International Division, serving communities engaged in learning, teaching, and researching Less Commonly Taught Languages. The LPO is the home of the Wisconsin Intensive Summer Language Institutes …
Recruitment Opportunity in the International Division
Please see this recruitment opportunity in the International Division at UW-Madison: ID Budget Manager: INTERNATIONAL DIVISION BUDGET MANAGER at UW–Madison (
New Recruitment Opportunities Within the International Division
UW-Madison’s International Division has new recruitment opportunities! See below for more information on how to apply. IAP Financial Specialist: IAP FINANCIAL SPECIALIST at UW–Madison ( ISS International Student Advisor: INTERNATIONAL STUDENT ADVISOR at UW–Madison ( …
Save the Date for the 2022 LCTL Career Fair!
We are thrilled to announce that Alfred M. Boll, Director of American Spaces in the U.S. State Department will be joining us as our keynote speaker for the 2022 Less Commonly Taught Languages Career Fair …
New Critical Language Scholarship Opportunity
CLS Spark One Pager A program of the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, the Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Program and CLS Spark are part of a U.S. government effort to …
New! Sign Language Linguistics Will Be Offered in Fall 2022!
NEW! Ling 373: Topics – Sign Language Linguistics Laura Horton TR 8:00-9:15 Level: Intermediate Requisite: Ling 101/301 Introduction and overview of the linguistics of sign languages, signing communities, and perceptions of deaf people and sign languages. …